Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 22 – The First Thing I Would Do If I Started My Speaking Business All Over Again



Eleanor Roosevelt is credited with saying: “Learn from the Mistakes of Others … You Don’t Have Time to Make Them All Yourself." My best advice for learning, connecting, and growing is to join a mastermind group. In this episode, I share just a few of the things that happened to my business after committing to be part of a mastermind group. It's also the heart behind the Vision Speaker Mastermind I host. I don't want others to struggle as I did prior to joining a mastermind group. Joining a mastermind has created this "virtuous cycle" in my business. Connection Communication Clarity Commitment Continuity Confidence Challenge Comfort Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my best strategies to help you start, run, and grow a