Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 21 - The 7 Biggest Mistakes I Made When Starting My Speaking Business



In this episode I go out on a limb and share the 7 biggest mistakes I made when starting my speaking business. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, so save yourself from frustration and learn from my mistakes! Isolating Myself & Doing It Alone. Creativity is not a solo sport. Doing it on my own and not investing in support or expertise early on was a big mistake. Not Following the Recipes. I was too creative and too confident that I could tweak proven frameworks and do it my way. Throwing Too Much at the Audience and assuming they could figure it all out. Seeking Perfect Solutions. I caught myself in the cycle of test, learn, refine, repeat … without ever launching. Hiding My Story. Instead of creating connection, I sought to impress people. This actually led to less impact, not more. Failure to Capture videos, images, and testimonials. Failing to Build Relationships. A mastermind group helped me gain traction in this area like nothing else. I’ll talk more about this on the next ep