Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

Speaking Is An Art But Attracting The Right Audience Is A Science



Speaking is an art but attracting the right audience is a science.  If you’re building an expert business, it is important to understand both the art and the science … meaning the difference between the craft of speaking vs. the intentionality and strategy behind building the business. Getting the right audience is challenging and if you don't have the right audience for your work, you're never going to reach the 6-figure level in your business. But here’s the good news. All of us in the expert space build our businesses in much the same way. We create the positive impact on the people we serve in much the same way.  In today’s podcast, we will discuss the 5-step path every expert takes to create impact. Question of the Week  This week’s question comes from several people I’ve recently spoke with. “What kind of results can I expect from being part of a mastermind group?” Listen to the podcast and learn the 3 things you get from active participation in a mastermind group. A reminder to Get Your Message Heard l