Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

Why Telling Them Everything You Know Will Kill Your Business



You love your subject matter and know it well. That’s part of why you’re in the speaking business to begin with. And now you’re tempted to give all your knowledge away to serve your audience. Big mistake. It is a valuable lesson every expert seeking to build a business must learn. You might think holding back information is manipulative. It’s not. Rather, it creates an even greater opportunity to serve your audience. In this episode, you’ll learn 4 reasons why you can’t give away everything you know to every audience you serve, every time. Some of these reasons will surprise you. Listen to the podcast for all the details. Question of the Week This week’s question comes from Ann Vertel from “What's your best advice on dealing with the always difficult fee conversation with a prospective client?” Listen to the podcast and learn the 3 things I think Ann can do when having those challenging conversations with prospects. A reminder to Get Your Message Heard listeners: If you have a question, please