Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

How To Move From Free To Fee



Your mindset, your message, and your method—all three must be in order for you to move away from pro-bono gigs to full-fee speaking engagements.   Whether you are just starting your speaking business or have been established for many years, you will undoubtedly be approached to give a no-fee presentation. Sometimes this is worth considering if (and only if) it serves both you and the client.   But don’t be afraid to walk away if the engagement doesn't serve both the client and you. Keep in are not selling time. You are selling expertise and transformation. It took you months or years to craft and rehearse your audience-focused message.     You deliver unique value, and you should be appropriately compensated for your expertise. The most important story you have to share is the one that lives inside of you...the one only you can share.   In today’s episode, you’ll learn about 3 points to help you turn free gigs into paid speaking engagements.     Question Of The Week   This week’s question comes fro