Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

What To Do When A Prospective Client Contacts You



The opportunities you walk away from because they don't fit are going to be the ones that pay off as much, if not more for you, than the ones you accept. Trust me. If you take every speaking engagement that comes your way, you might fill your bank account and improve your cash flow in the short term. But all you've really done is set yourself up for failure, or for a one-shot deal. It is no way to grow a sustainable 6-figure business. You know by now I'm not a big fan of one-shot engagements. In fact, it’d be great if we could ban the word “gig” from the expert business...forever. You don’t want gigs. You want to have a chance to go back after you've done a good job.  In today’s episode, you’ll learn 6 ways to land the best opportunities by disqualifying yourself during the sales process.  Question Of The Week  This week’s question comes from Jeff Meister from I would welcome any speaking opportunity that presents itself, but I don’t see myself speaking anytime soon. What would you recommend