Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

How To Get Quality Client Testimonials



We live in a world of social proof, don't we? As you work to build your 6-figure speaking business, testimonials are a persuasive social-proof tool you can use to land new clients. Decision-makers want hard evidence that you can create the impact you say you can. Testimonials can affirm their decision and lets them know they're not taking too big of a risk by having you deliver your presentation to their audience. That's why testimonials matter. However, there are there are a lot of myths about testimonials floating around out there. In today’s episode, you will learn the top 6 myths about testimonials. And I’ll share with you the reality that dispels each myth. You will also learn my recommended approach to securing testimonials that help you grow your business and expand your impact. Hint: the “secret sauce” is found in the Ultimate Client Testimonial Form, created by my colleague Mike Kim. You can download this effective tool at Mike has masterfully written the questions, so you get exactl