Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

3 Things Successful 6-Figure Speakers Know That Others Don’t



If you’re tired of chasing “gigs” like you’re an ambulance-chasing lawyer, then today’s podcast is for you. We explore 3 things you can do to move from “next-gig chaser” to a real business-builder. Being a great speaker isn’t your entire value proposition. No matter how effective you are in front of a room, you must look higher to the transformations you’re helping your audience create … which can lead to exponential business growth. To save you hours of research, I’ll share with you three things that helped me get off the revenue roller coaster and grow your 6-figure business: Knowing when to say yes and when to walk away. Revealing value in measureable ways. Creating business from the stage without selling. But before you build a great house, you must lay a strong foundation. You can do this by: Being clear because focus drives success. Developing your skills to master delivery. Creating your core content. Committing to delivering results. Click the player above to listen or, better yet, subscribe to th