Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 37 - What's Your Core Framework?



If you’re anything like me you love to create content. It’s a path to sharing your insights with others, and sometimes it’s the easiest way to clarify and focus your thinking on a topic. But you know what? There comes a time when you need to stop creating more content and leverage what you have created. To look at those files and piles of documents created from your ideas and look for a way to share them so you can create more impact for the audience you serve. For most of us the very idea of pulling back on creation is frightening. We’ve become very good at creating new stuff, we enjoy it, and everybody knows it’s what we need to do to build our platforms. The idea of shifting our energy to refining and repurposing feels uncomfortable, and to some of us downright boring. Yet only through doing that will you be able to create your most significant impact. Because stepping back and examining what you’ve created is the key to defining a strategic path for your work moving forward—a path where you define your co