Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 41 Design, Develop, and Deliver Transformation for Your Clients



Last week we talked about the Ask. Listen. Learn. Serve. Mantra. You ask because you want to learn. You listen to ensure you learn. You engage in conversation to prove that you understand. Then you bring your expertise to bear with what you've learned, and you've earned the right to serve them on a deeper level. That is what leads to a sale of your services. The challenge is that some people don't realize transformation is possible. Our work is to push them in a way that opens their eyes to the possibilities. People won't act until they are motivated to do so, when they can see the outcome. To do that, you Design, Develop, and Deliver. Design the outcome. You never start anything unless you know what you're trying to get out of it. Defining an outcome is easy, but designing one is another thing altogether. It requires a deeper understanding of the process, the people, and what success in the outcome truly is. Develop the path. Where do your expertise, your stories, and your journey come in to play? You might