Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello

How to Choose Your Next Big Goal – ABR042 - Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello



In this episode we cover: How to make a new year's resolution that lasts How to prioritize your goals to make the most positive change Quotables: "You can anything, but you can't do everything." Links and resources mention: YNAB - You Need A Budget How to use the wheel of life: Print out the above wheel of life image: wheel_of_life.png Grab a pen. Rate each of the areas by marking one of the ten rings in the section based on how well you feel like you are doing in that area of life. 1 means not satisfied. Terrible. Couldn’t be worse. You weigh 500 pounds. You have a hoarder house. You’ve got $50,000 in credit card debt. 10 is highly satisfied. You just ran the Boston marathon. You’re financially free. [3] You married the woman of your dreams. Once you’ve made your marks, take your pen and connect all the lines: You can also shade in the sections: Pick the 1 or 2 areas you ranked the lowest. Take a walk and brainstorm ways you can make improvements to it. Find one i