Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 43 The 10 Most Important Things I Learned in 2017



Every year of our lives brings with it the opportunity to grow and change, often in small doses at a time. But when you take a moment and look at all of them together, you get a stunning insight on how those small lessons add up to something much bigger and more meaningful. Today, Michael discusses some of the small lessons he learned this year and why they mattered to him. Our hope is that you can relate to many of these lessons, and more importantly, use them to frame 2018 to be one of the best years of your life. So, take a moment to consider each of these and their place in your life as Michael shares their place in his life. And consider how you can use this information to help YOUR clients. Be genuine, real, and kind Share your story and yourself Manage your mindset daily Serve first Create more white space in your life Take electronics holidays on weekends Ask more questions and listen to the answers Done beats perfect every time Talk to more people Take risks and learn from missteps What are the big