Side Of The Road Podcast

Episode 30 (the one recorded on Daniel's phone)



Greetings, again, listeners! Yeah, we know. It took us a very long time to finally upload this one. You know how it goes... sometimes life throws little things in your path, one after another, just to distract you. :)This episode was recorded with one of our regular USB microphones plugged into Daniel's phone. It didn't turn out too horribly. Next time we'll use the other mic, it might sound better.We talked about our run streaks this time. And old family traditions. And we reminisced a little.Overall, a really low-key atmosphere for episode number thirty. You hear that?, episode number thirty!! Other podcasts die out after five or ten episodes, but not us! :D(There's supposed to be an embedded audio player right here.) (click here to just download the audio manually)Email us with questions or comments or discussion topics. Or anything. At all. For reals. Email us. :)Ending music from Purple Planet.