Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 44 Communicating the Worth of Your Services with the Value Calculation



One major pain point for speakers and consultants is putting a real dollar value on their services. Businesses and business owners often want us to justify our fees so they, in turn, can justify paying them. The best way to approach this is to think about their problems in terms of time – their time – and use the Value Calculation to give them a concrete number of what it will cost NOT to solve the problem.  What is the value of 10 minutes? How much is 10 minutes worth to your client? It doesn't seem like very much in the short term, but consider how quickly it adds up over the course of a year. It's lost time your client could have spent not worrying about the problem you can solve, and since you're calculating hours, you can put an actual number to the value you bring. In addition to the lost time, how much more is spent trying to get back to the original task? Once you've done your job for the client, how will your work continue to benefit the company in time saved? What will it cost the company NOT to sol