Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello

How To Review Your Year w/ Mike Vardy – ABR046 - Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello



Learning from past actions is one of the most effective ways to make improvements to your personal and business productivity. Today productivity strategist Mike Vardy is on the podcast to give you a simple game plan to review your year. By listening, you'll get some fun strategies to help you: celebrate your successes learn from your mistakes move forward with more purpose Enjoy! In this episode we cover: How to use your calendar to kick-start your annual review. Why breaking your annual review into 4 separate 'seasonal' journaling sessions will give you the most accurate snapshot of the year. Examples of quantitative and qualitative data you can take from your past to help you become more effective in the future. Vardy Quotables: "We don't tend to look back enough when we are trying to move forward." "The holiday season is like being on a plane ride for two weeks. You've got fewer expectations at work. You can use that extra time to reflect and plan." "Productivity is about intenti