Raising Cj

E16 Sicky Sicky (7 Months)



Baby CJ has been battling some illnesses for quite a while now. It's taking a toll on the family. We try yet another road trip tactic in an effort to make it not miserable. CJ gains independence on the floor. She also makes some leaps with eating. Bethany visits a local Montessori school to see what it's all about. We provide an updated cloth diaper review as we've had more experience with the different types. We contemplate what life is like for CJ at child care all day. Baby Gadget of the Week: Fisher-Price Kick and Play Piano https://smile.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Laugh-Learn-Piano-Multi/dp/B01MCUJR59/ref=sr_1_6_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1511755649&sr=8-6&keywords=fisher+price+kick+and+play+piano