Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 46 The 7 Cs to Make 2018 the Start of the Best Decade Ever



When you sit down to plan your resolutions for the new year, what's your mindset? Are you focused on a 'to-do' list of things to check off for the year, or are you planning with the intention of creating not just the best year of your life, but also the best decade? As you listen to this episode make sure you take notes of the 7 Cs Michael shares, but also, the action he recommends. Not only will you be crystal clear on the big picture, but staying in touch with it will help you make all the smaller decisions without needing an overwhelming to-do list. The 7 Cs for 2018 and Beyond Calendar - if you don't have a great system for managing your calendar, get one in place. Just as importantly, be protective of your time. Challenges – you will face them. But the most significant challenges you will face will come from within. Confront them with the attitude of 'whatever this is, it's here to teach me something.' Clients – customers is a popular word, but in truth, when you think of people as clients, your whole m