Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 47 5 Reasons to Focus on Long-Term Engagements



Do you ever feel disconnected, like you're getting too little from the energy you pour into your work? Maybe you're approaching freelancing the wrong way. If you've listened to the podcast, you know by now that we aren't fans of 'drive-by impact' and chasing customers, living gig to gig. If you want another way to use your creativity and have stability and deep meaning in your work, this episode is for you. It creates a more sustainable business where you spend your time doing what you do best. Think about it: what part of your job do you enjoy the most? Is it getting clients, or getting your clients the results they want? When you have long-term engagements with clients, it takes the pressure off you to scramble for more and enables you to do your fulfilling work. The stuff you're good at. Long-term engagements deepen your understanding of the problems your clients face. There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for every problem your clients face. If you aren't spending time with them, in their industry, lea