Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 49 How to Be a Successful Purpose Consultant with Kevin Monroe



Michael welcomes his dear friend, Kevin Monroe, and they engage in a revealing conversation about how they both have transitioned from six-figure consulting gigs to full time purpose consultants. Each brings a unique insight into how they're making it work, and how you can, too. Are you ready to make the same leap? Don’t burn the boat. Kevin and Michael both have infused their lives with purpose and a mission, but that doesn’t mean they quit doing what made them successful in the first place. If you’re making a transition, you can take so much of what you’ve done in the past and retool it to serve the audience in a different way. Often, you need to make several attempts, or experiments, to learn what will work for you and your audience.  Don’t wait for your ‘avatar.’ The people you want to serve aren’t bodiless souls. They aren’t an avatar or a niche. They are real, breathing people. And you don’t find people by standing still where you are. If you want to find the type of clients you want to serve, the best