Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 51 Fix Your Coaching Strategy and Increase Your Reach



We all hit a point in our careers and dreams when we realize we need to adjust our strategy. Sometimes it’s a sudden realization, sometimes it’s because of failure, and other times, it’s because we sat down and talked with other people. Is it time for you to take stock of what you’re doing and consider a pivot of your own? Sometimes when you set the bar too high, you never start. A great example is creating content for your audience or tools for prospective clients. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make something fantastic. But in truth, you might just be preventing yourself from creating something very good and useful because you want it to be perfect instead. Effective is better than perfect. What we do is never ‘one and done.’ It’s amazing how many people in the expert space that believe this is the way to do client work. They deliver a great, effective experience for a client, and that’s it. They are missing the opportunity to share it with others again and again. One of the must-do actions in the ex