Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello

Generate Breakthrough Opportunities With Your Network w/ Patrick Ewers – ABR051 - Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello



Does a majority of your new business come from referrals? Do you often wish you had a bit more control over when and where your next client will come from? Then today's show is for you. My guest, Patrick Ewers, is Silicon Valley’s top relationship management expert. Patrick and his team at Mind Maven train business leaders to reach their full potential by ensuring they hear about more of the right opportunities. Startup founders hire him to uncover venture funds or their next big hire. You and I can use his actionable insights generate more of the opportunities we want in our business. (Hint: More referrals!) Patrick's opportunity finding tactics are simple, effective and easy to implement. In this episode we cover: The 5 best emails to send when you don't know what to say. How to make sure every interaction you have with your network is meaningful, relevant and valuable. Why it's important to walk into every meeting knowing how you might help. The massive benefits that come from creating posi