Rehabilitation Edition; International Journal Of Stroke Guest Eds Julie Bernhardt And Steven Cramer

Improving quality of life by increasing outings after stroke: study protocol for the Out-and-About trial



Rationale Almost one-third of Australians need help to travel outdoors after a stroke. Ambulation training and escorted outings are recommended as best practice in Australian clinical guidelines for stroke. Yet fewer than 20% of people with stroke receive enough of these sessions in their local community to change outcomes. Aims The Out-and-About trial aims to determine the efficacy and cost effectiveness of an implementation program to change team behavior and increase outings by people with stroke. Design A two-group cluster-randomized trial will be conducted using concealed allocation, blinded assessors, and intention-to-treat analysis. Twenty community teams and their stroke clients (n = 300) will be recruited. Teams will be randomized to receive either the Out-and-About program or written guidelines only. Study Outcomes The primary outcome is the proportion of people with stroke receiving multiple escorted outings during therapy sessions, measured at baseline and 13 months postintervention. Secondary