Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 53 Attending and Hosting a Live Event



Live events are a hassle. You’ve got to quit your daily routines, take time off from busy lives, pay for travel, lodging, and the event itself. But here’s the truth. If you’re a thought leader, you probably aren’t attending, or holding, enough live events. What are the pros and cons, and how can you get the most out of live events? Attending Live Events The biggest mistake people make when they attend live events is to go into ‘student mode.’ You want to make every class, take all the notes you can, and try to squeeze every last drop of information out of the event. But that’s the wrong way to go about it. It’s the same with networking. It’s not about how many people you can introduce yourself to. Instead you have to ask yourself how many true connections did you make with people you can work with in the future? Putting on a Live Event There’s no doubt you’ve considered what it would take to host your own live event. Maybe you already have. Unless you have an established presence or brand, a live event isn’t