Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"When he [Trump] gets hit a certain way, he starts to draw a line."



Anthony Scaramucci wants to make it clear that he is not an apologist for President Trump. "I call the balls and strikes as I see them,” he said. Scaramucci sees himself as an explainer or interpreter of sorts. He explains the president’s unique way of doing business. It’s a continuation of what he tried to do in his 11 days on the job as the White House communications director. Scaramucci talks with Rick Ungar and Michael Steele about the chaos in the White House, the departure of Gary Cohn and the latest on Sam Nunberg and the Mueller investigation. Christine Campbell, president of the West Virginia chapter of the American Federation of Teachers, breaks down why West Virginia's teachers were on a nine-day strike and how they were able to come to a compromise with the state government.