Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"Get better candidates if you don't like the ones that you're getting."



E.J. Dionne, longtime columnist for The Washington Post, describes the current crisis of faith in our government institutions and representatives in his column “The cost of our war on public life.” He asks, “How did we get a government of this sort? For decades, our country has been witness to a war on public life. Legitimate dissatisfaction with government has turned into contempt for government itself and a denial of the indispensability of politics.” Michael and Rick assess the battlefield of public life in the Trump era of government and debate when and where the first battles were fought. Sam Nunberg, a former Trump campaign adviser, dropped several bombshells regarding the Mueller investigation in interviews on MSNBC and CNN today. The guys discuss the implications of those comments, including Nunberg’s allegation that the special counsel does have something on the president.