Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"I’m hoping this is Trump’s head wink."



After a White House meeting with CEOs of U.S. steel and aluminum manufacturers earlier this week, President Trump announced his intention to place tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. While members of the administration like Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross defended the move, domestic and international markets and governments responded very differently. The Dow plunged 500 points after the announcement, Canada threatened an “all-out” trade war and the European Union threatened to impose tariffs on American exports like bourbon. The president claims the tariffs benefit U.S. industries, but many who work in steel-dependent industries bear the scars of President George W. Bush’s one-year tariff on imported steel. Steve Lester, owner of QMF Steel, talks about the potentially disastrous consequences that President Trump’s tariffs could have on the steel business. Brandon Chrostowski, founder of Edwin’s Leadership & Restaurant Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, talks about his work trying to give former convicts