Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

How to Trust the Process



Do you hate the phrase, ‘trust the process?’ If so, you’re probably someone who wants to jump right into action and there’s nothing wrong with that. We all love doing what we’re good at and it can be uncomfortable to do what’s counterintuitive. But sometimes we have to. We might need guidance on when to take action and what action to take. Today, Michael talks about trusting the process for all of you who don’t. I don’t have time to trust the process. It might not seem like you have time. But the truth is trusting the process is worth it every single time. It doesn’t take a genius to define a process that will work every single time. What you see as wasting time is actually being more efficient and able to succeed far more often. Whatever you are seeking is seeking you. While you’re busy taking action and flying by the seat of your pants, it’s possible you will miss the answers you need. Have you heard of the concept of white space? It’s something that far too few of us honor in our busy lives. Giving yoursel