Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"We just have never really been good in this country of having a discussion about race because it's too painful."



After two years of legal battles, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu prevailed and oversaw the removal of four prominent Confederate monuments in the city. The Kennedy Library Foundation announced this week that Landrieu will be awarded the John F. Kennedy Courage in Profile Award. The foundation's president, Jack Schlossberg, said, “In a year marked by continued racial injustice, in a moment of misguided national leadership and heightened division, Mayor Landrieu’s courage stands out brightly as an affirmative step in the right direction.” Mayor Landrieu talked with Michael Steele and Rick Ungar about the fight to remove the statues and his new book, "In the Shadow of Statues." Retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters recently left his role as a contributor at Fox News. He joined the guys to discuss why he left and how we can and should try to overcome hysteria in the media.