Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 59 The Biggest Mistake Expertise Entrepreneurs Make



Without input from the people you want to serve, your business is doomed before it even begins. You can see evidence of this: many would-be entrepreneurs try to package what worked for them and sell it. It looks great on the outside, but once their customers try to implement it, they don’t have the same success. Why is this? Because the situations, skillsets, and circumstances are different. Ask questions. We all need to ask more questions. More importantly, we need to ask the RIGHT questions and then listen, truly listen, to the answers. It’s easy to get carried away with excitement and to do most of the talking, but that keeps you from hearing what your audience wants and needs. Follow the ‘ask, listen, serve’ mantra. Asking questions helps you understand. If you’ve ever taken a copywriting course you’ve learned that you need to join the conversation in your audience’s heads. What this means is you know what they’re thinking about, and you’re able to use the same words and phrases they are using when they t