Civil Politics

Civil Politics (8/18/17): Protest Etiquette



Further Reading: Charlottesville Timeline: Recounting a day of rage, hate, violence and death Tina Fey SNL Rant on Charlottesville Goes Viral With Shout-Out to Standing Rock Evidence Based Errata (3/03/2017): INTERVIEW WITH PROFESSOR SAM REDMAN Heather Heyer is a civil rights martyr How to Protest Safely and Legally Bannon: The Trump presidency is 'over' Citing Trump remarks, most of the president's arts council quit GOP Senator: Trump Lacking 'Stability,' 'Competence' To Succeed Is John McCain A Maverick? Dates of Confederate Monuments on public land in the US, from the SPLC In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens Support Civil Politics by donating to the tip jar: