Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"We have a solution here that could save thousands of lives a year."



On Tuesday morning, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and CNN's chief medical correspondent, published an open letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on CNN.com. Dr. Gupta shared stories and corresponding scientific evidence about how marijuana treats pain better than opioids and could even help end the opioid crisis. Is pot the secret weapon we’ve needed in the fight against the opioid epidemic? Rick Ungar talks to Dr. Gupta about his research and upcoming CNN special report: “Weed 4: Pot vs. Pills”. Rick and guest co-host Bill Tucker, a veteran TV journalist, discuss the recent backlash against celebrities like Kanye West, Shania Twain and Roseanne Barr who have voiced support for President Trump. Have we reached a new level of intolerance?