Write Club!

Write Club! "Piethos!" V. 3, Ep. 6



Write Club can't always be about comics, right? Right! So in this episode Tim & Kurt take the podcast out into the streets of Brooklyn to cover a Slice Magazine reading event.The event, coordinated by Slice's resident blog czar and online editor, C.A.B Fredricks was your basic head-to-head reading competition featuring the best and the brightest up & comers of the indie publishing world!photo courtesy of Amy SlyPIETHOS! A Reading, works like this: Five independent literary organizations were chosen, each selected a champion, and presented a challenge for an opposing organization. Each reader had about one week to compose a story in answer of their challenge. The prize? A FRESH BAKED APPLE PIE!The event was held at LEGION bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.Listen to the event here: And now, THE READERS, with visual aids and in order of appearance:Liz Matthews (Slice Magazine)photo courtesy of Amy SlyLiz's story involved some visual aids. To get the whole experience, click on each link as she prompts t