Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 62 How to Put Yourself In the Right Rooms



How do we gain access to other minds that push us to think deeper, and who give us relevant, useful insight? How do we put ourselves around people who push us to go deeper? Michael expands on a key concept from previous episodes – putting yourself in the right rooms to intentionally create the space for growth – through exploring  the idea of mastermind groups. Don't rely on your inner circle. We care deeply about our family and friends, but the fact is, they can’t always give us the feedback we need, in the context we need it. So how do we find the people we need to be in the room with to push ourselves to go deeper? Be intentional. What people can generate together is much more than the sum of what they can generate individually. When you bring a group of people together with the intent of focusing on helping each other achieve more success in their lives, a collective mastermind emerges. These are the magical moments we’re looking for, and you need to work intentionally to create them. Creating groups of p