Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"We have to have a conversation about the dinner going forward."



Michelle Wolf’s roast of Washington media, politicians and other Beltway power players at Saturday’s White House Correspondent’s Association dinner left many with a sour taste in their mouths. The controversy around Wolf’s performance has dominated the social and news media conversation for the last 48 hours, inspiring debate and discussion about the role and purpose of the dinner in promoting the 1st Amendment. Olivier Knox, SiriusXM’s Chief Washington Correspondent and the incoming president of the White House Correspondent’s Association, notes that some members of the WHCA were critical of Wolf's performance because it “sends the message that we are in fact anti-Trump…that we are at war, not at work.” However, Knox adds, “I happen to think we’re not at war. We are at work.” Knox joins the guys to discuss the controversy and how the WHCA plans to continue in its work to support journalists covering the White House. Rick and guest co-host Bill Tucker also talk about ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp’s assertion that