Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 63 The Journey from Talent to Craft



When you think of a craftsperson, what comes to mind? Probably someone who is very skilled and very talented, but who has taken that skill to a level that differentiates them and makes them stand out. Michael looks at expertise entrepreneurship through the lens of craftsmanship and getting beyond relying on your natural talents. Talent will only get you so far. People who are naturally talented at speaking may have a bit of a headstart. But talent can also allow you to be lazy and avoid being the best you can be. If you rely on talent to get you through, then you don’t allow yourself to develop your craft, and you limit the impact you could create and the people you could be serving. Think about the times when talent has gotten you through, but maybe you walked away and thought, “I could have done more.” We all have the ability to be doing better than we’re currently doing. Our goal should be to be judged not by how well we did, but how well we did relative to the tools and capacity we have. In order to hone