Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"He [President Trump] needs to explain why he's doing this."



President Trump tweeted Sunday morning that he is working with Chinese President Xi Jinping to get controversial Chinese telecom giant ZTE “back into business.” Lawmakers and the intelligence community allege that ZTE’s products pose cybersecurity threats for surveillance and espionage. Furthermore, the U.S. Department of Commerce banned U.S. companies from selling parts to ZTE after they found that ZTE violated a settlement that was established after it violated sanctions on Iran and North Korea. What could have possibly motivated this president, who emphasized his toughness on China throughout the campaign, to support this controversial Chinese company? Gordon Chang, Daily Beast columnist and author of “The Coming Collapse of China”, breaks down some of the possible financial, economic and political motivations behind the president’s move. Rick and guest co-host Boyd Matheson, opinion editor for the Deseret News, talk about how the president’s base could be suffering from unintended consequences of his poli