Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"There isn't a strategy here."



President Trump announced today that he is formally withdrawing the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—also known as the “Iran nuclear deal”—and once more imposing “the highest level” of economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic. President Trump railed against the Iran deal on the campaign trail, often referring to it as the “worst deal ever.” Once he took office, he continued to take steps that suggested he wanted out of the deal. One example of this is when he imposed new sanctions on Iran last year. Many Republicans applauded the president’s move, saying the deal was not tough enough to keep the Iranian nuclear program in check and gave the Iranian government too much leeway to continue supporting terrorist groups in the Middle East. Aaron David Miller, a vice president and Middle East program director at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, thinks that President Trump’s rationale for pulling out of the deal is a “confluence of his personal ego, domestic politi