Maria + Jane: Women In Cannabis Business

Stephanie Karasick: Founder & Chief Patient Advocate of Strainprint talks cannabis bio-hacking!



This week I'm talking to Stephanie Karasick, founder and Chief Patient Advocate of Strainprint. Strainprint is a mobile app that allows medical marijuana users to input data about their cannabis experiences, including information on what they’re treating, what they’re using, how much they’re dosing and the resulting effects. Not unlike using a tool like fitbit, that measures our progress, Strainprint gives us a snapshot on what works best for our body. Like cannabis bio-hacking! Strainprint's mission is to help people improve their quality of life by using cannabis better. In this episode, we talk about how Stephanie’s experience using cannabis (following a PTSD diagnosis) led to her creating Strainprint and the incredible growth of the company. We also talk about Strainprint's newly launched Analytics Business Intelligence Platform (a web-based data platform for visually mining the world’s largest data set on strain efficacy and real-time patient use), about our mega love for dogs, about the stigma of havin