Rockstar Business Builders

004: How to Find the Perfect Workshop, Online Course, or Coach & Mentor



If you're anything like me, you've spent countless hours spinning your wheels trying to learn something new, implementing it, and tracking data to see if your dollars are going to the right area in your business. Sometimes you're right, and other times you're wrong. That trial and error process is incredibly costly in both terms of dollars and time. Instead of all of that nightmare, I want you to take the shortcut to success. I want you to learn from others. But first, I want you to do your due diligence. This podcast episode is all about that. Here, I talk in-depth about the value of your time and how you can best select the right people to learn from for your business growth. Picking who you learn from is paramount to your success and that shortcut path. Choose wisely.  Just remember to focus in on one single thing as you ultimately pick - results.