Civil Tension

Civil Tension Episode 19 - Blown Out Of Proportion



Now that theyre not here lets put our churchlady hats on Everybody has their own agenda They take a piece of the story and blow it up Well you can still get fined for watering your lawn while its raining Thats completely out of contextCivil Tension Host Creator Peter Gault together with 3 CoHosts Bill Haase Ken Nicholson Dan CwiakCivil Tension can be found on iTunes GooglePlay PlayerFM TuneIn ListenNotes and more Follow us on Twitter CivilTension Send comments or join our mailing list by sending a note toCivilTensiongmailcompp1 margin 00px 00px 100px 00px lineheight 160px font 140px Helvetica Neue color 333333 webkittextstroke 333333 backgroundcolor ffffffspans1 fontkerning noneCivil Tension is a weekly podcast intended to demonstrate that people can engage in difficult contentious topics of conversation while remaining civil and strengthening the ties that bind us even when we profoundly disagree