Founders And Funders

EP 2: Companies Focused on the Triple Bottom Line Get Rewarded



John Replogle, Partner at One Better Ventures, explains how customers and shareholders reward companies that are purpose-driven and focused on the "triple bottom line." (Listen) Episode Summary: John Replogle has built a career on the notion that if you care for people and the planet, the profits will take care of themselves. With a keen focus on innovative consumer goods and a resume stacked with experience leading mission-driven companies like Burt’s Bees and Seventh Generation, John shares the factor that changed his life, has advice for entrepreneurs who want to build a sustainable career, and his take on why investing in venture capital is the most active way to be a part of the entrepreneurial revolution. Subscribe to Founders and Funders on iTunes, Stitcher and Android Podcast Players. John Replogle of One Better Ventures Currently a partner at One Better Ventures, John Replogle is an early stage investor who focuses on mission-driven consumer goods companies. Prior to becoming an investor, John serv