Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 65 Velvet Ropes, Sunk Costs, and Your Core Message



Your journey is something no one has walked but you. What you know may seem obvious to you, but in reality, it's amazingly impactful to others. Michael discusses how to define your core message, how to use this message to refine what you offer, and what you can do to find the right people who are ready to hear your message. Do you have a velvet rope in place?                                                                The velvet rope is the divider that lets some people in and keeps other people out. For most people, this model intuitively doesn’t make sense to grow a business. But the number one mistake people make that compromises their business is refusing to figure out who they serve. If you try to be all things to all people, you will end up dissatisfied, because you won’t have the impact you could for that select group who need what you’re offering. Michael discusses the importance of avoiding pouring energy into trying to serve the wrong people. There is good work, bad work, and great work. Michael