Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"Governors, this is on you. Sorry. May not be fair, but it's on you."



A seventeen-year old student walked into Santa Fe High School in Texas today with a shotgun and a revolver. He killed 10 people—nine students and one teacher—and wounded 10 others. Explosives, including pipe bombs, were found around the school. Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that the shooting is “One of the most heinous attacks that we’ve ever seen in the history of Texas schools.” As a community mourns and families grieve, many wonder what effect, if any, this most recent mass shooting will have on the national conversation about gun violence and gun control. Rick and guest co-host Tara Setmayer, CNN political commentator, wonder whether Washington will finally be moved to action or will offer the same trite slogans and statements. Anti-poverty advocate Jack Frech explains why so many Americans—almost half of U.S. households—cannot afford some of the most basic necessities like food and housing.