Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 66 Five Takeaways From Putting My New Keynote on its Feet



Reflect upon and improve your public speaking by reflecting on these five key tips. Michael explains and summarizes the important lessons he learned from his recent experience putting together his new keynote speech. 1. Find the audience that is right for your message. Finding small audiences aligned with your target audience can be helpful as a way to extend your rehearsal process to the real world. In this way, you can create a situation where you don’t have a lot at risk, and you can hone your message with feedback from the right kinds of people. Don’t hesitate to test out your speech in small venues – intentionally seek these scenarios out! 2. Not everyone will connect with your message – and that’s a good thing! No matter how much some people will connect with your message, some will not. Remember: this means that you are on the right path. You are not here to serve everyone – success requires defining and knowing what you do and who you are there to serve. 3. Learn from others. What are other people doi