Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 67 5 Lessons from 66 Episodes of Podcasting



Have you ever asked yourself if you should start a podcast? If you have a message you want to share, if you are comfortable talking about your message, and if you believe there are people who want to hear your message, then the answer is yes! There is nothing more valuable than having the opportunity to talk to your audience on a regular basis. Michael shares his 5 key takeaways from 66 episodes worth of podcasting experience. 1. You will learn more about your message by making your podcast. When you make a weekly commitment to show up and talk about your message, it changes the way you think about what you have to say. It makes it very obvious what doesn’t belong, and creates consistency in the body of your work that you communicate to your audience. You’ll also get comfortable with articulating your message on a regular basis. 2. Reviews and feedback will help you hone your message. What words do your listeners use in their feedback? What benefits does your message bring people? Just by listening to your au