Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 68 Integrity Matters



When you’re an expertise entrepreneur, the reality is that you are your brand. The business you’re building is based on your vision, wisdom, and expertise. There are several areas where your integrity will get tested as an expertise entrepreneur. Michael discusses the importance of integrity in the face of some common challenges. Sacrificing your integrity can hurt your performance. When we commit to things that are out of alignment with our values, this can create something called cognitive dissonance – a conflict between your inner values and your outward actions. This can hurt your ability to do what you do and damage your performance. Listen to your gut. If you don’t feel something is right for you, that probably means you shouldn’t do it. You know when you’re out of alignment with your values – when you’re doing something that you shouldn’t be doing. You can never not lead. By virtue of your chosen path in life, you are a leader – people look up to you and see the things that you do. You are your brand,