Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 69 Rethinking Your Content Path



We all, in building our expertise enterprise, have a content path – the path we discover as we think through and develop our message. We evolve what we think about a subject as a process over time. Michael walks you through how to use your past content for a better future in your business. Experience helps us help others. Michael’s moment of gratitude this week goes to Mark Schaefer, whose blog post this week kickstarted reflections on aging and recognizing the value you add by virtue of your experiences. Use what you have that is important for where you are right now. Sometimes we hold on to content for too long. Have you ever experienced a breakthrough moment in your understanding, then refused to move beyond the content you generated in that moment? Maybe it's time to move on from stories that are no longer serving your audience. Do an inventory. Make a list of every piece of content that you’ve created. Then go through and create a rating system of how relevant that content is to your message today, and w