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FIND GREATER HAPPINESS THRU YOUR HEALTH! + Guided Meditation! Dr John Douillard | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you want to feel better, happier, shake those blues, get out of a funk, or sleep better than you’ve ever slept before, then do we have the happiness, sleepy show for you! Today I’ll be talking with natural health, Ayurveda and sports medicine expert Dr. John Douillard. He’s the creator of, former director of player development and nutrition advisor for the New Jersey Nets, repeat guest on the dr. OZ show, and the author of 6 books, including one of my all-time favorites, Body, Mind and Sport. Today we’ll talking about the physiology of happiness, and the changes we can make through diet, exercise sleep habits and more, to boost our oxytocin, get happier, and feel better throughout the day. We’ll also look at ways to sleep easier, sleep deeper, and finally get the rest we need and deserve. That plus we’ll talk about shower power, blue light, what in the world are glymphatics, the importance of play, the danger of the news and why buying more shoes, coffee or cinnabuns, are never the answer. Bumm