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HOW TO FIND YOUR LIFE PURPOSE! + Guided Meditation! Jake Ducey | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever felt uninspired, trapped, at a dead end, or just wondered whose life am I leading anyway, and my God, what have I done, then do we have the inspiring, life changing show for you! Today I’ll be speaking with Jake Ducey, perhaps the first millennial we’ve had on the show, and the 3 times author of inspirational books including, Into the Wind and The Purpose Principles. He’s a future Tony Robbins, correct that, Jake Ducey in the making, and just got off an international book tour where he spoke on stages to 500,000 people and helped raised 345,000 pounds of food for homeless youth in America. Today we’re going to talk about your life’s purpose, where it’s hiding, how to find it, and what in the world you NEED to do about it once you know you’ve found it. That plus we’ll talk about self-actualizers, Steve Jobs, Jack Canfield, Jay Z, Dave Matthews, Abraham Lincoln, Sylvester Stallone, SW SW SW, and why in the world you want to take an entire summer or two, retyping the Great Gatsby… Questions and To