Miss Style, Strength And Grace With Deidra Murphy

53: 10 Lessons in 13 Miles



Last month, Deidra ran her first-ever organized race – a half marathon in Spokane, Washington. This is the girl that physically could not complete the mile physical test in high school P.E. class – she had to walk a majority of it. Deidra was diagnosed with exercised-induced asthma at a young age, and swore she would never be a “runner.”  This was a limiting belief, a story she had told herself concerning the strength she really had within her. After training for over 12 weeks, Deidra was able to complete the 13 mile trek, going farther than ever before. In today’s episode, Deidra shares her biggest takeaways and major “ah-hah” moments, and learning curves from running 13 miles.  Today she hopes to inspire you by hearing these top 10 lessons, and hopes you also realize you are stronger than you believe. Episode 34: Workout Less and Lose More Episode 13: Sharee Samuels. The Journey to Losing 120 Pounds FREE Fat Burning Smoothie Recipes This is your one stop shop for style, fashion, health and fitness. Deidr